Dopamine stimulation and sensitivity, motivation and will power.

Wim Hof App for iPhone:
What it is
Numerous studies have shown the connection between dopamine levels and motivation, will power, and overall subjective happiness. Also that "suffering" in ways that don't injure or de-energize us, stimulates dopamine release and sensitivity.
Here's a good podcast with Andrew Huberman (HubermanLab) on Tom Bilyeu's show:
Productive Suffering
This arose from a call with Dave Asprey, coinciding with me injuring my rib and having to cut back my Morning Movement practice to just Wim Hof breathing - basically hyperventilating then holding your breath.
Dave was expounding how our bodies tell us to stop, long before they have to actually stop.
"When you feel like you absolutely have to stop now, don't. Just keep going for another 8 seconds. Your body can do it. And your suffering for those 8 more seconds increases will power."
So instead of just getting the meditative and other benefits of Wim Hof, I decided to force myself into 8 seconds of suffering! I was already getting 97% of the way there. Why not got the extra 3%?!?!
After just 5 days of forcing myself into "8 seconds of suffering "past the point my body was telling me "It's time to breathe again!!!" ... I was steadily breaking 5 minutes holding my breath! That was never my goal. I was already pleased I steadily passed 4 minutes. But it still feels good to set new baselines!
As for dopamine levels. I was already decently motivated and happy... so I'm not sure if it upgraded that, but it certainly hasn't hurt.
How much and when
There are many ways to inflict healthy suffering on yourself. But breathwork is quick, effective, and available.
I do Wim Hof breathing in the morning, on an empty stomach. 3 rounds, sometimes 4. Each subsequent round becomes more beneficial. Not every morning - maybe 2-3 times a week, just because I like variety.
Multiple times a day won't hurt anything. But it is very energizing and could be over-stimulating if you're using it as a crutch to get hyped up for every activity transition.