NMN + Resveratrol --- Keep yourself young at a cellular level

What it is
NMN = Nicotinamide Mononucleotide
Trans-Resveratrol is the stuff you actually want to buy.
What it does
NMN converts into NAD+, which your cells use for all their energy-consuming functions. This stuff exists in every living cell on the planet. They first discovered its effectiveness in yeast. It exists in plants, in animals, in insects... in every living thing.
As you age, your NAD+ levels go down. NMN helps them stay elevated.
Resveratrol is a polyphenol some plants produce when they're under stress. It signals to cells to undertake epigenetic repair. (It works in plants, in humans, in horses, in mice, and yeast...) This keeps your cells expressing the right genes for their job in the body, and stops wasted energy expressing the wrong genes.
Resveratrol tells your cells to fix their genome packaging, and NMN gives your cells the energy catalyst to do the fixing.
Read or listen to David Sinclair's book:
Lifespan - Why We Age, and Why We Don't Have To
(Dr. Sinclair head's up Harvard's research on aging)
How much and when
1,000 mg (1 gram), first thing in the morning, with a tall glass of water.
1,000 mg does for someone 150-200 lbs. You can scale down if you're lighter, but there's never been toxicity shown in any studies.
250 mg is the minimum effective dose.
Don't take it in the evening. It's not like caffeine, but it can keep you awake. It influences your circadian rhythm.
Take it all at once. You'll get better NAD+ conversion
1,000 mg (1 gram) mixed with a fat or oil, in the morning.
Ideally, get this in the raw powder, and mix it with something fatty.
Sinclair mixes it into a bite of yoghurt.
I mix it into a shot of avocado oil, or other oil if I do a morning smoothie.
If you take capsules, take them with a meal or drink that has enough fats for the Resveratrol to hitch a ride into your cells. (Mix in some coconut oil or butter with your coffee.)
TMG (Trimethyl Glycine):
Not required, but it's an inexpensive methyl-donor for NMN, and it's cheap and easy.
1,000 mg is fine.
Where to get it
WARNING: Amazon has many verified fraudulent sellers of NMN!!!
I like Prohealth Longevity: Longevity & Anti-Aging Supplements | ProHealth Longevity – ProHealth.com
Infinite Age also test out well: NMN - Certificates of Analysis – InfiniteAgeCo
Capsules: Enhanced Absorbtion NMN Capsules | ProHealth Longevity – ProHealth.com
Powder: Pure NMN Powder | ProHealth Longevity – ProHealth.com
Powder is less expensive, and you can absorb it under your tongue.
TMG (Trimethyl Glycine):
Discount Codes
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